About Me
Name: Harleygurl
Home: Kansas CIty, Missouri, United States
About Me: ALmost 40, Wife to a wonderful husband, Mother of 2 beautiful daughters and Grandmother (Nana) to a handsome Grandson
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  Thursday, September 27, 2007  
Nana times 2

In case some of you don't know, I am a 38 year old Grandma ( Nana) to a handsome grandson named Aidan. Yep, that's right. 38 and a Nana. I should have done the math on that one myself. Of course having a child at a young age meant I could be a young Nana.

Aidan will be one in December. He is my pride and joy. I love spending time with him. He makes me smile, giggle and even makes me feel young. Now I am going to have to share the love I have for him with a new grand baby. My daughter is going to have baby number 2. This means Aidan and his brother or sister will only be 16 months apart. I have to admit my daughter has more nerve than I do. That's why her and her sister were 8 years apart. I am really hoping that this one comes in pink. It will be fun to watch the differences in the new baby and Aidan. Will the new baby be as good of an eater, sleeper or as big as Aidan was when he was born ( 9# 2Ounces)? Will the new baby be happy? Will he or she never cry like Aidan? Both of my girls were as different as night and day so I have to wonder if these 2 will be also.

I never knew I would enjoy being a Nana as much as I do! I am so lucky to be young enough that I can play, run, and hopefully will be able to see them graduate and get married! Lucky me!
posted by Harleygurl @ 6:51 AM  
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